
The Pendulum of Politics

great time for change the pendulum swings

November 15, 2024

I’m Rev. Izzy.
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Finding Peace, Power, and Opportunity In Uncertain Times

There’s nothing like an election in the air where the pendulum takes its position front and center. I find myself reading emails of people expressing their acute pain and uncertainty when it comes to the recent election – all valid. I too want to voice my opinion on this. As my father-in-law says, “Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.” So take it with a grain of salt. I know we aren’t supposed to talk politics at the dinner table yet the page has turned, a new chapter has emerged, and we are entering through a golden window of opportunity. I want to leave you with some words of encouragement.

I’m an opportunist at heart and in my Human Design. I am inclined to look for opportunities no matter what is going on around me. I’ve also learned to not give my emotions away so easily to things that are completely out of my control. Where you put your energy is entirely up to you of course.


The Pendulum Swings

I firmly believe that everything happening around us is happening for us. Not to us, and not against us.

I also firmly believe that where attention goes, energy flows – so it really benefits us to mind our emotions.

Nothing is what meets the eye when it comes to politics. One way or another, they are two sides to the same coin. What I observe is that politics is one of the biggest pendulums out there. A lot of it, I find corrupt and trying to navigate truth in a sea of corruption is a skill many of us just don’t have. Instead this pendulum feeds off our emotions as if any of us know what is really going on. Consider it like an entity that feeds off of what you have to offer it, freely – of your own free will. And although some more than others have started to unravel the truths and put the dark puzzle pieces together, a lot of us are feeding the pendulum our fear, anger, uncertainty, doubt, sadness, mistrust, etc. and the pendulum becomes bigger and swings with more gusto.


Negativity, Food For Pendulums

Our emotions, especially the negative ones are the biggest currency these pendulums feed off of. Why? Because if we feed it our negativity – negativity begets negativity and this becomes a feedback loop. If you are kept depressed, distressed, desperate, and distracted, you become more easily controlled, more careless and reckless with your decisions, less grounded, more easily manipulated, and you become a ploy to someone else’s plot. This is why I’m so obsessed with mind reprogramming and sovereignty – the way to sovereignty is through your own mind – get your answers from God all mighty himself, seek truth, and stay in your own power. 

It would be wise for us to stay a little detached, a lot more neutral, and be in the role of the observer. You are a child of God. Regardless of how anything plays out here on this earthly plane, no one can take your power away from you – unless you give it away. And the more you allow your emotions to yo-yo and be affected by external circumstances, the more you give your power away. There are no excuses here. We all get to play the game of mastery, if we choose to – the alternative is victimhood and victimhood is not sexy. Standing in our own power – that’s sexy!


Uncertainty Is Part Of Life

No matter who won this election, there’d still be uncertainty. What makes you think if the other side won, things would be any better? There is no certainty either way we go. Life sits on top of uncertainty and within all of this uncertainty the only thing we truly have to be certain of is ourselves – no matter what happens, I’ve got me, you’ve got you, and we’ve got one another. 

The million dollar question is, “What good are we contributing to the world when we’re moping around helpless and sad about something completely out of our hands?” Chin up buttercups. Every day we have choices to make – live in the shadows of the unknown with fear, running our immune systems to the ground, making us more susceptible to dis-ease or standing in our power. We get to choose. We can choose to focus on what we can control, fill our cups, be in joy, build community, do things we love and become the healthiest Super Human versions of ourselves.

Take all of these emotions you are feeling, validate them, and honor them by transmuting them into a piece of art, an expressive dance, something that will inspire and empower others vs. polarizing people against one another to further feed the pendulum. The more of us who stand in our power, the more of us who will become the change we wish to see in the world. It starts with us. 


God Is All There Is

When all else fails, we come back to God and we come back to love. That’s all there is in the end and all there will ever be.

Needless to say, I’m still not going to discuss politics at the dinner table… unless I know we share the same opinion. But I’m not giving this election my negative emotions. God has a plan. If God did not want this to happen, it wouldn’t have happened, and for me it’s that simple. I can sleep well at night.

Can we lean a little more into trust? Surrender a little more into knowing there is a divine plane? Can you meditate and nurture yourself a little more so that you too can tune into the divine plan? Because you can. If you can let the dust of your emotions settle and listen closely to receive your answers straight from Source – we open up a whole new playing field. 

I choose excitement. I’m super excited to see how our freedom of speech changes, how the medical laws potentially change, how things may shift and potentially take a turn for the better. Or how things may stay same. Or how things may get worse. Again, whotf knows and whotf cares?! We are living in revolutionary times right now and we get to choose to either stay abreast of it or fall victim to it. I’m going to spend my energy focusing on opportunities in the market place where I can take divine and aligned action so that I can continue to contribute in ways that inspire and empower others whilst leaving earth a better place for all generations to come.

What say you?

If you want to read up on the pendulums I’m talking about here, check out Transurfing Reality by Vadim Zeland.

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